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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

“The Roundup” Wins Photo of the Year


Renee Daniels-Mantle
Montana Horses, Inc.
9700 Clarkston Rd.
Three Forks, MT 59752
(406) 285-2541 | (406)285-0918-fax

Attached: Photo "The Roundup" Copyright 2009 Stephanie Adriana

“The Roundup” Wins Photo of the Year

Three Forks, Montana – February 8, 2010 - Stephanie Adriana’s “The Roundup” has won the prestigious Cowboys and Indians magazine Equine Photo of the Year. The spectacular photo of stampeding horses was taken during the Montana Horses Annual Horse Roundup and Drive in Three Forks last year.

Stephanie, a photographer with Val Westover Photography in California, will be back in Montana this spring with Val Westover to lead a new Photography Expedition held in conjunction with the Three Forks Horse Roundup and Drive. The expedition is an addition to the event and offers photographers an exclusive opportunity to experience the Horse Drive while photographing the action from behind the scenes. Val and Stephanie are both award winning photographers, long-time photography instructors, and have guided photo safaris across the world. They will also conduct two more Photo Expeditions at the Mantle Ranch in June and September.

“The Roundup” will be featured during a gallery exhibition of fine art associated with the Horse Drive. Meet Stephanie Adriana, Val Westover, and other photographers on April 24 after the horses trail through town. The exhibit and reception will be located at the Drive headquarters in Three Forks at the newly remodeled and reopened Sacajawea Hotel.

Cowboys and Indians March issue is on stands now. For more information about the Annual Horse Roundup and Drive and Photography Expedition, or the Val Westover Photo Safaris at Montana Horses, see www.MontanaHorses.com or call 406 285-2541. Framed fine art productions of “The Roundup” and all of the gallery photography are available at Shop.MontanaHorses.com



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