Attention all Kiddie Kandid customers.
The great recession has taken out a photography giant. We know that so many parents had relied on Kiddie Kandids to update and document the images of their children.
*Val Westover Photography will honor any Kiddie Kandid portrait session or any Kiddie Kandid coupon that you have paid to kiddie Kandid.CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!
TOLL FREE (866) 363-6900
Val Westover Photography has been photographing babies and children since 1994. With photographers all over the country, we offer studio, in-home and on-location photography sessions.
Orange County, CA. (949) 367-0077
Salt Lake City, UT. (801) 847-0440
All other states toll free (866) 363-6900
since 1994
*Val Westover Photography will honor any Kiddie Kandid coupons for the portrait session only. The portrait session does not include any portraits.
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